Good / Bad Omens
Vokult, Joanneum-Graz, 2009. május 15. – október 16.
Text: György Szegő

Rocker, fotó: Ullsteinbild; Gerillahős, nyomat Alberto Korda fotója nyomán; Antifasiszta jel a Stefansdómban, fotó: Martha Vobruba; Altamírai sziklarajz, fotó: Ramessos
„A heap of stones on a mountain, a scratch on a wall in a town, gestures and signals, a black cat or just a mimic – there is meaning behind everything. Everything is a sign” – this is how curator Eva Kreissl introduces the exhibition of the new ly reconstructed Vokult Museum of Ethnograpy in Graz in a building formerly housing a Carmelite monastery. In line with this spirit, the exhibition covers all the fields where visual/sculpturesque/static/dynamic signs have been interpreted for ages, either unnoticed or consciously. Earlier collections of folk art treasure almost forgotten traditions for the future, and now bring the signs of old generations closer to us in a playful, interactive way. The exhibition presents the past and the present simultaneously. This is why it has the potentials of reaching the younger generations as well.