Under the spell of towers

Dénes Györgyi’s Plans for the City Hall of Debrecen Text: Fanni Izabella Magyaróvári Photos: Magyar Építészeti Múzeum és Műemlékvédelmi Dokumentációs Központ This year, 90 years ago, in the spring of 1931, the large-scale design competition of the Debrecen town hall was completed. In many cases, the outstanding architectural works of the period between the two […]

Ottoman Heritage

Pilgrims’ Settlement around the Turbe of Sultan Suleiman in Szigetvár Text: Norbert Pap, Máté Kitanics Regarding its historical context, the town built for pilgrims by Sultan Suleiman in Turbék near Szigetvár was constructed fairly quickly in the mid-1570s. However, it was not a static architectural structure, as it underwent several changes and extensions during its […]

Mihály Ráday’s Revolution

The Beginning of the Urban Protection Movement Text: György SzegÅ‘ As a cinematographer and director, Mihály Ráday made several TV serires, documentaries and children’s programs in addition to his legendary television series, which ran for 30 years. For 15 years we were able to see their joint television series with Tamás Katona from 1848. He […]

Discovering another Modernism in Hungary

Text: Dániel Laczó Modernist Architecure spread in Hungary on two occasions in the decade after World War II. Firstly, right after the war when state-sponsored projects wre predominantly followed Modernism. The change of the political system and the rule of socialism resulted the transformation of cultural policy: dictatorship defined art life and required authors and […]

Detached Family Houses Typology Designs

A Survey of History Text: Tamás Perényi Approved in 2015, the national architecture policy defined the necessity of improving the standards of detached family houses yet to be constructed and thus the elaboration of typology designs accordingly. The history of standard designs goes back to more than a century in Hungary; the houses built as […]

Race theory on the Colonial Exhibition in Italy

Architectural and Cultural History Review  1937-1943 Text: Bálint Juhász Brian L. McLaren’s recently published book is the first to address the traces of the race ideology of the fascist system in Italian modern architecture within his two major exhibitions (the 1942 World’s Fair in Rome or E42, and the 1940 Mostra d’Oltremare in Naples). This […]