Post Scriptum: 90

This is No. 90 of our supplement issue. This attachment has been published with the periodical titled Hungarian Architecture for one and a half decades now as a supplement devoted to architectural theory, and is the one and only periodical continuously published in Hungary which focusses exclusively on theory. At the turn of the millennia […]

Italian Brick in Debrecen

Jost Ferenc (1901–1957) Oeuvre Text: János Jost Within the Modernist trend of Hungarian architecture Ferenc Jost, an architect from Debrecen represented Cubism – his works are also rated as Expressionist pieces. His Cubist style was influenced by Italian architecture before 1935. The most interesting feature of him composed from his own forms is that their […]


Commemoration apropos of the GödöllÅ‘ holiday home complex by Péter Kaffka Text: Endre Prakfalvi Photos: Krisztina Nagy, Krisztina Bélavári – Forster Központ The periodical Hungarian Architecture published a presentation of the two buildings in GödöllÅ‘ by architect Péter Kaffka in its issue of June, 1941. Even if only viewed on the photos, there had been […]

Typological Parallels – Parallel Typologies

Structural types of cities in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy between 1867-1918 Text: Éva Lovra To create the harmony of our built heritage and contemporary demands and concept, the definition and survey of the values to be preserved within the processes of urban rehabilitation are not only issues of identity-preservation, but also a task of contemporary urban […]

A Photographer Amongst Architects

Daniel Schwartz and Urban-Think Tank Text: Csilla Herbszt, Bence Komlósi Photos: Daniel Schwartz – U-TT The report below has been inspired by a friendshop of professionals with a past of many years now. One of the partners is Daniel Schwartz, the maker, photographer and researcher of Urban-Think Tank (U-TT). As he had studied anthropology and […]

A Garden of Eden in the Shadow of a Coup d’État

Expo 2016 Gardening World Exhibition Antalya, April 23-October 30th, 2016 Text and photos: Pál LÅ‘vei Turkey has been one of the most industrious participant of gardening exhibitions and world exhibitions for about 25 years now. Since then its presentations tend to be of larger and larger scales, and integrate contemporary architecture and design with well-conceived […]

A Dialogue Between Architecture and Interior Architecture

19th Conference on Interior Architecture Text: László Attila Márton The change of the political system which took place more than 25 years ago now also meant a ceasure in every aspect of our lives today, including space, object and image making. The former practices of architect designers’ offices and teams came to an end as […]