Graz, Essen – 2009–2010, Inner Ferencváros (Franzstadt) – 2011

Graz "City of Design" UNESCO pályázatából
Urban actions taking place at different times, details of actual exhibitions representing the afterlife of „locations”, the success of past, present and future are intertwined. Not only in time, but also in space: the lessons of the examples may be instructive. Like Essen or Graz that keep developing dynamically since the „big leap” of 2003 being the cultural capitals of Europe, the town has every right to apply for the title „UNESCO Design City” as part of its current strategy. There is no temporary cultural capital in the inner part of Ferencváros. However, the cultural function of Ráday Kultucca („cult-street” or „cult-de-sac”) is being reinforced and widened all the time. This is why the examples referred to above are informative and instructive.
György Szegő

Karl-Heinz Petzinka: Nordstem bányatorony, Essen 2010, látványterv

A Volkskundemuseum üveghídja, Graz, 2009

Graz "City of Design" UNESCO pályázatából

Graz "City of Design" UNESCO pályázatából

Graz "City of Design" UNESCO pályázatából