Designs of the Greek Catholic Primary School
NyÃregyháza, 2000-2009
Design: Mihály Balázs
The designing process of the school started in 2000, simultaneously with the concept of the Theological College. The design has become the victim of difficulties and challenges, despite the unanimous support received from the professional forums and the steady will of the client: throughout its adventurous existence it has experienced, survived (and partly induced) a modification of OM regulations as well as the appeal against the building permit on behalf of the neighbouring school. There was also an important change concerning the person of the original client, the bishop. At the very moment of writing this arcticle the construction permit is not yet legally binding. A report of the situation at present: a school is being built in Hungary in the spirit of mutual trust and will in the morning of the 21st century.
Client: Hajdúdorogi Görög Katolikus Püspökség
Architecture: Török és Balázs ÉpÃtészeti Műterem
Leading architect: Mihály Balázs
Architects: Balázs Tatár, Dávid Török
CAD: Balázs Falvai