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    Contemporary Art Museum, Zagreb

    Architect: Igor Franić
    Tetx: Eszter Götz
    Photos: MSU

    After many years of effort invested in securing an adequate space for the Contemporary Art Museum in Zagreb, a decision was made in 1998 in favour of building a new museum. The new location was set in Novi Zagreb, at the crossroads of Većeslav Holjevac and Dubrovnik Avenues. In summer 1999, Croatian Ministry of Culture and Zagreb City Council launched a national architectural competition, supervised by the Zagreb Architects Association, which selected a design by architect Ivan Franić from among 85 candidates. In 2009, the new museum, MSU has been opened.

    Építész: Igor Franic

    Munkatársak: Bernarda Silov, Morana Vlahovic, Tajana Derencinovic Jelcic, Andreja Dodig, Petar Reic, Simona Sovic Stos, Zorana Zdjelar
