Nomen est omen: Futura
The Revitalization of the Baroque-Style Granary in Mosonmagyaróvár
architects: Péter Lenzsér , Cicelle Gaul text: Miklós Okrutay photos: László Francsics , Péter Lenzsér
Erected in the first half of the 18th century, the magnificent Baroque granary went into a slow decay after losing its original function. This tendency was stopped by an urban solidarity. The main component of the successful tender compiled for tthe revitalization had the chief merit of carefully defining the new contents. The architectural formation of the interactive science centre, however, praises the architect. Péter Lenzsér and his fellow architects chief merit results from the knowledge and understanding of the original spirituality of the building. To pass on of the inheritance of the former contents and the past messages of the house to posterity would have been a useless attempt without it.
general design: Lenzsér és társa ÉpÃtészeti és Mérnöki Kft.
architects: Péter Lenzsér, Cicelle Gaul
fellow architects: Csaba Bajusz, Attila Cselovszky, Judit Gáspár,
Kata Lenzsér-Mezei, Zsófia Paál, Gabriella Ottucsák
frame structure: Miklós Armuth – ARMAT Bt.
technical installations: Tamás Kéry – Mechanik-Art Kft.
electrical engineering: Szilveszter Benke – Benke Mérnökiroda
structure: Sándor Horváth, Csilla Szathmáry – Pataky és Horváth Kft.
landscape: Brigitta Nádai, Anna Payr – Meander 2000 Bt.
acoustics: András Kotschy – Kotschy Bt.
public utilities: Imre Oláh, József Szabó
client: Mosonmagyaróvár Város Önkormányzata
project management: Movinnov Kft.
main contractor: West Hungaria Bau Kft., Óvár ÉpÃtÅ‘ipari Kft