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Utóirat 2019/1
Török Ferenc templomai
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Lépések a jelenlét építészete felé
Sorry, this entry is only available in Hungarian.
Mies van der Rohe
The New National Gallery and Old Museum in Berlin Text: Hannes Böhringer Hungarian translation: J. A. Tillmann The following study compares the building of the new National Gallery in Berlin, designed by Mies van der Rohe in 1968, with the previous museum buildings of the Museuminsel in Berlin. The author analyses the museum’s genre as […]
Text: Ákos Moravánszky Architecture starts with the making of a horizontal plane. The archetypical ancient hut was the next step, having a fireplace on this horizontal surface as well as defending, covering and surrounding it. According to Gottfried Semper German architect and theoretician the terrace shovelled on the ground from the soil was the foundation […]
A Vertical World
New Faces of Budapest, Bratislava and Belgrade Text: Éva Lovra Budapest, Bratislava and Belgrade are ambitious capitals that are on the way or ambition to become metropolises the dynamics of development of which tends to halt at a certain stage and then gets a new momentum in a way slightly alien from their landscape, natural […]
Innovative Architectural Solutions of Contemporary Urban Communal Residential Buildings Text: Julianna Szabó, Annamária Babos Photos: Julianna Szabó Co-housing developments all over the world may be categorized according to various aspects: there are urban and rural communities, new constructions and remodelled real estates. In the tiniest ones there is only one room for each resident, whilst […]