Vörösmarty Square
Commercial Building and Office Block, Budapest
Architect: György Fazakas
Text: Béla Kerékgyártó
No.1 Vörösmary Square – a name not quite imaginative, but ambitious for the commercial and office building meant to be an exemplary model built on a prestigious lot of the city topped with luxury penthouses. Not exempt from disputes and even scandals, the construction work of he structure was in the focus of attention because of the location, the circumstances of the investment and the commission as well as the architectural concept. The latter is defined by the development of the ground floor of the atrium offered to and promised for the city as a generous gesture by the investor, who is primarily responsible for the „functional disorders” obvious from the very moment of taking over the building and programmed into the project in the long run as well as for the fact that provisionality turned into permanency here.
Colsuntalt in architecture: Jean-Paul Viguier
Insulation, structure: Pataky és Horváth Építésziroda Kft.
Static: Dé-Lór Kft.
Soil mechanics: Bohn Kft.
Installation: Mödl Épületgépész Mérnöki Iroda
Electrical engineering: Elekt-Royal Kft.
Acoustics, environment protection: Kotschy Bt.
Traffic: Közlekedés Kft.
Artists creating the kiosk: Zoltán Peredy, Péter Csisztu
Interior of the café: Pál Somogyi
Interior for H & M: Bánáti and Hartvig Építésziroda Kft.
Interior for Pull & Bear: A-Con Architecture Consulting
Interior for New Yorker: Monty s.r.o.