The Reconstruction of the National Theatre Győr
The Results of the Contest
The National Theatre of GyÅ‘r is the only one of the permanent theatres in the countryside that has not been entirely reconstructed since its completion in 1977. The project embracing the theatre building and its environment is part of the Modern Cities and Towns Programme. The local government published a reconstruction design contest in 2017, the results of which were published on the Theatre World Day on March 27th, 2018. The jury awarded the first prize to Teatro ÉpÃtész Műterem Ltd. and proposed to purchase the concept submitted by ÉpÃtészkohó, Dimenzió Ltd. and Formi Concept Studio.
1st Prize: TEATRO ÉpÃtész Műterem Kft., architect: János Sándor, fellow architects: Balázs Fodor, Krisztián Sallai, Éva Szendrényi, András Ruppert, Zsuzsanna Köninger-Péter, Norbert Pánovits, Zsófia Szigeti, Tamás Ocskay, Csaba Antal
Featured purchase: ÉpÃtészkohó Kft., architect: Tamás Attila Tarnóczky
Featured purchase: Formi Concept Kft., DB Arch Bt., architects: Dénes Halmai, Péter Bach, Imre Bokányi, Gergely Kukucska, Dénes Halmai
Purchase: Dimenzió Tervező Kft., architects: Attila Bodrossy, József Fodróczy, Péter Pintér, fellow architect: Kristóf Joó