Beneath the Sun Shade Sails
The 2nd Stage of the Market Project in Békásmegyer
Architect: Alfréd Peschka
Text: Eszter Götz
Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky
The reconstruction of the market in Békásmegyer had been on the agenda since 2012, and now, after two years, the local farmers’ market and the community zone behind the hall has also been completed, which is a welcome change for the locals forced to stay indoors because of the lockdowns. The closed and roofed hall building, the open square flanked by pavillions and the wide wrap-around arcade enveloping both to provide a framework is a new contemporary interpretation of the traditional, medieval design of the market typology. By the start of the second stage, the direction of the design work was obvious: a pleasant and spacious space suited for a wide variety of activities using the least external energy possible was created behind the arcade zone. It is a space that dwellers of every village or town or city desire: open and organised, without being overdefined, shadowed and yet sunlit, offering water, graced with plants and street furniture, which can be used from dawn till night without disturbing the peace and quiet of its surroundings. The whole facility is essentially focussed around a rectangular open space separated from Heltai square in front of the market by a row of light pillars as if a gateway open towards this part of the district. Beneath the wraparound arcades there are retails, cafés, doughnut stands, dairy’s, baker’s weaving through the open space underneath a flat roof with a wide green lane and rows of solar panels, whilst the square itself is protected by arched triangular sun shade sails stretched on steel cables.
General architecture: Óbuda Építész Stúdió Kft.
Client: Óbuda-Békásmegyer Önkormányzat
Project management: Óbuda-Békásmegyer Városfejlesztő Nonprofit Kft.
Main contractor: Market Építő Zrt.
Leading architect: Alfréd Peschka
Architects: Tamás Csernik, Tímea Egervári,Artúr Fazekas
Project director: Zsolt Miklóshalmi
Fellow architects: László Banitz, Nóra Csáki, Péter Galambos, Anett Göbölös, Jeliszej Korcsák, Ádám Lukács-Nagy, Péter Márkus, Dávid Szabó, Tamás Szűcs
Garden, environment: Sándor Mohácsi, Dániel Takács – S73 Kft.
Framework: Tamás Vértesy
Structures: Sándor Horváth,Gábor Schreiber – Pataky és Horváth Építésziroda Kft.
HVAC: György Pavlics – PPR Plan Kft.
Electrical engineering: Gábor Kun, Viktor Szalai – Hungaroprojekt Kft.
Fire protection: Lajos Takács, Orsolya Brindzik – Takács-Tetra Kft.
Acoustics, environment protection: Róbert Csott – Apszis 95 Kft.
Accessibility: Mónika Parti – Rehabexpert Kft.
Market technology: Gizella Kuruczné Szabolcs – Design Studio Kft.
Traffic: Zsuzsanna Ötvös