East, West
Spaces of Intensity. 3h architects, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel
Text: Eszter Götz
At the end of 2020, a volume on the work of the 3h architectural firm was published by the Swiss publisher Birkhauser. The previous sentence seems self-evident, although it is quite an exceptional thing, as the works of contemporary Hungarian architects have not aroused so much Western interest for a very long time that a publisher of a caliber like Birkhauser should dedicate such a magnificent monograph in English. Birkhauser last published on the Hungarian architect in 1996, when he published Jeff Cooks’ Makovecz monograph. So the volume has a huge impact and is handled in an extremely understandable way by its editor, Claus Käpplinger. The 3-hour work led by the architects Katalin Csillag and Zsolt Gunther offers an analysis of the current and recent situation of Hungarian architecture at all possible points.