„The world is a lot more than what architects suppose.”
Balázs Rose’s interview with Rafael Moya Castro
Rafael Moya Castro graduated from the Valparaiso School at Faculty of Architecture within the Valparaiso Catholic University in 1996. Later on he started research into the methodology of the school, which was also the topic of his MA thesis. Between 2011 and 2015 he completed his studies at the Melbourne-based RMIT University Doctoral School. He focussed his research on the impact of wind on urban environments and buildings which he examined in aerodynamic laboratory conditions following the methods of the Valparaíso School. He is the author of several scientific publications, and also a co-author of books. At present he is a lecturer with Chile-based Concepción University (UDEC). Balázs Rose, who lived in Chile between 2013 and 2016, made this interview with him on the modern architecture of Chile, his activities at Valparaíso School and Ciudad Abierta campus, their impact and his national and international associations.