• ремонты от компании StroySila
  • укладка тротуарной плитки
  • Continuity and Layering

    Education Centre, Pellérd

    Architects: Tamás Getto, Tímea Schunk
    Text: Péter Zilahi
    Photos: The Greypixel

    In 2003, a competition was launched for the contemporary re-design of the town centre of Pellérd, in which Tamás Getto and his colleagues’ concept won. Their idea was to define a new main square along the main road on the southern side of the castle park, with a promenade running east from the town hall, along which educational functions would be positioned. The concept is that from nursery to primary school, the children of the settlement will follow a linear progression in space. The series of educational institutions could not be implemented in a single stage. Firstly the primary school was built, with design phase starting in 2003, the completed building opened over four years later, the first nursery building was completed six years later and the project continued. Over the past 20 years the joint work of Tamás Getto and Tímea Schunk has gone through several design versions. The result of this constant care and reflective approach is that the complex does not give the impression of homogeneity, with the characteristics of the different stages all visible on the facades. Ultimately, the Education Centre of Pellérd is a triumph of layering.

    Client: Municipality of Pellérd
    General plans: Gettoplan Ltd.
    Architecture: Tamás Getto
    Fellow architects: Tímea Schunk, Csaba Helmle, Kata Tóth, Barnabás Pálfy
    Interiors: Tamás Getto, Tímea Schunk
    Structure: László Nagy
    HVAC: Zsolt Eördögh, Tamás Lengyel, András Siptár, Éva Bárdosné Scherer, Zoltán Ferenczi, Szabolcs Vígh, László Kedves, Zsolt Rolich
    Electrical engineering: Béla Hegyi, Tibor Vass, Miklós Mándity
    Public utilities: Gábor Balog
    Garden: Tibor Böjte
    Roads, parking: Pál Cserhalmy
    Rehabilitation: Zoltán Bodor, Sára Rózsa
    Fire protection: Zsolt Lipinka, Dezső Schwoy
    Weak power: Péter Gungl