Chair-Twister – New Researches Concerning Space
The Performance of képzetTtársítás Group, Miskolc, 2012. 12.13.
Text: Ernő Miskolczi
Photo: István Kiss Tanne
The free Gesamtkunstwerk company named képzetTtársítás („association”) is a kind of experimental team: it has been organized around the resonances of experiencing space and intuition. The first stage of the birth of the production is that the team’s leader makes a tour of the chosen space: his steps and breaths slow down if the location suggests solemnity, his motion turns open and adventurous if invited by another string of spaces. The sensual complexity of experience is followed by breaking it up into constituents: movements, musicality, words, visual elements. This is how material qualities, rhythms and colours are brought about, and this is how poets, dancers, musicians, artists to take part in the next production turn up. Relations, ideas, in-between genre forms come into being. This is what happened during the fourth performance of képzetTtársítás hosted by the Miskolc-based Akadémiai Székház (Academic Centre) on an occasion of the single regional group of the Széchenyi Academy of Literature and Art: actually it was Antal Kuklay’s Chair-Twister on his chosen topic about Pilinszky’s poetry, which is the closest to his spirit. On the posztamensek there are three sculptures, of gold, silver and bronze, each being a dancer, a contemporary dance or folk dance artist. As the musical instruments – saxophone, piano, cello – related to them produce music in their own improvising way hardly associated with any style the sculptures also take it in turns to have their introductions in their individual rhythm and motion enlivening a relevant aspect of the space devoted to science-art respectively.