The Reconstruction Project of the Synagogue in KÅ‘szeg
Concept and text: Zoltán Deák
Situated in the historic core of Kőszeg, the synagogue complex contains the structure formerly housing the school, as well as residential buildings for rabbis, referred to as rabbi houses. The complex containing the synagogue itself and the ancillary buildings was built between 1858 and 1859. None of the original designs have come down to us, and we cannot identify the designer architect or the builder either. The design programme was defined by the host of the project, based on the guidelines and concepts phrased by the Institute of Higher Studies. The comprehensive architectural restoration of the cultic space of the synagogue building was projected, made complete with installations as junctions for profane events: it is thus suited to host exhibitions, performances, concerts as well. The restoration of the interior was governed by restorers’ attitudes, which means it is ambitioned to preserve the most of the parts of the buildings and their furniture as possible.
Lead architect: Zoltán Deák
Architects: Dániel Schuszter, Attila Bernáth, Barbara Deák, Anita Simon
Structure: Dr. János Lógó
HVAC: Anna Deákné Dohar
Electrical engineering: Zsolt Beharka
Fire protection: József Hatlaczki
Lighting: Máté Pölöskei Kardos
Timber protection: Eszter Molnár
Monument experts: Ferenc Dávid, Klára Mentényi, Lilla B. Benkhard
Projekt manager: Felsőfokú Tanulmányok Intézete, Kőszeg