Thermal Baths in Homoród
BME Diploma Work, 2020
Concept and text: László Bedő
Tutor: Miklós Vannay DLA
Székelyföld, the land of the Seklers is primarily famous for its cold and mesothermal springs of curative effects. According to surveys, one third of the mineral water stock of Europe is found in this region, more precisely in Transylvania. The design site is near the centre of Homoródfürdő, along the gravel road leading to Ilona valley. This intervention is a component interpreted as a work of art placed here with a simple gesture that provides a framework for bathing, in this „tamed” natural environment. Components growing out of the soil are of a monolithic character, made from stone and concrete, whilst the timber structures and facework placed on them appear airy and warm. This design scheme is not about spectacular achievements, but the search for an approach and attitude to the existing diverse environment of Székelyföld which is appropriate both architecturally and humanistically.