• ремонты от компании StroySila
  • укладка тротуарной плитки
  • Concepts for Survive

    Strategies for the new challenges of a new century

    Text: Bálint Botzheim

    In our current thematic issue, we present different strategies for how the architect can be mindful of the effects on the environment. The first of the presented strategies is recycling. Why build a new one, if the existing building can be adapted to a new function with small modifications? Using the “Reuse” label, we present examples in which a building was adaptively reused by the designers. At the same time, recycling can be interpreted more broadly, and a place can be adapted to a new function. We summarized our next topic under the name “Lifestyle”, the essence of which is to reduce consumption: how can we share resources, live in smaller spaces and in more natural conditions? The question of construction materials is also an important topic. If new construction is unavoidable, it is worth using materials that have a small ecological footprint, their production involves little energy consumption, and their resources are renewed. We also emphasize ancient, “passive” architectural tools that rediscover the knowledge of the past. Finally, we also pay attention to new technologies that help ensure that if we have to build something new, we do it in the most environmentally friendly way possible.