• ремонты от компании StroySila
  • укладка тротуарной плитки
  • Renewed with Expert Hands

    Extension and Renovation of Lajos Lóczy Grammar-School, Balatonfüred

    Architect: Tamás Varga
    Text: Tamás Ulrich
    Photos: Antal Szentendrei

    In 1960, architect István Márton built the 8-classroom, atrium gymnasium as his very first independent work of architecture, the designer of which was awarded the Ybl Prize in 1965. Nearly three generations is a very long time in the history of a building. As a result, the reorganisation of secondary education and changes to more modern pedagogical and teaching methods and conditions made it necessary to renovate the existing building complex. The design and refurbishment of the structure has resulted in a modern educational facility adapted to the pedagogical programme of the secondary school, providing teachers with the appropriate conditions to carry out their work and thus 450 students from a large catchment area van study efficiently. The designer of the current renovation, refurbishment and energywise modernisation is Tamás Varga, who has designed several public buildings in Füred. The entire façade of the high school building has been changed considerably since the reconstruction project, lending it the impression of a modern building, but its appearance and colour scheme has not changed the townscape of the surrounding area of Füred, which had been established many years ago, nor the memories of the former students of the building and the residents of the town. Significant internal and functional changes to the existing building, including the reconfiguration of the rooms, are also reflected in the façades. The result is a perfect example of how a building does not necessarily have to be demolished just because it has been 60 years in the making: it can be transformed to meet the needs and aesthetic requirements of the present.

    Leading architect: Tamás Varga DLA – V. T. Arch Kft.
    Fellow architect: Luca Varga
    Structure: Dezső Hegyi Dr. – Nyomásvonal Ltd.
    HVAC: András Bokor – VIZATERV
    Electrical engineering: Judit Balázs – Artvill
    Kitchen technology: Józsefné Nagy Dr
    Fire protection: András Székács – Antilla Ltd.
    Client: Municipality of Balatonfüred
    Management: National Sports Centre
    Main contractor: Vemévszer