By Time it will Shine
The reconstruction of the minor castle in Fertőd
Architects: Viktor Szentkuti, Dénes Halmai, Csaba Molnár
Text: Eszter Götz
Photos: Zsolt Batár
Since the early 2000s – first via scientific research work, then designing and from 2009 on via the various stages of implementation and construction – the renewal project of the complex Esterházy castle in FertÅ‘d has been going on non-stop. In 2013 many units of the so-called minor castle were inaugurated after designs by M ÉpÃtész Iroda (architects), including the Puppet Theatre, the Water Tower and the Orangery. By 2016 the building of the manor’s manager was also completed. The primary task of the complex is to house the classical music events of the Theatre all the year round as a cultural centre as well as to house the conference rooms and infrastructure of the central office organizing the events and maintaining the castle. The designer’s concept ambitioned to reconstruct the entire building structure and the exteriors by restoring the Baroque-style decorations whilst applying contemporary technologies on the structures. The entire roofing and ceiling was replaced, the interiors resized and tailored to suit today’s functions, and in the middle a courtile to seat appr. 500 people was furnished for visitors of the programmes held here. Preservation is not only a spectacle here: surviving pieces of the 18th century timber roofing and ceiling were integrated beneath the roof and also remains of later conversions and remodellings have been exposed for curiosity.
- Architects: Viktor Szentkuti, Dénes Halmai, Csaba Molnár DLA – M ÉpÃtész Iroda Kft.
- Fellow architects: Viktória Istók, Boróka Lilla Koch, Gergely König, Regina Pethő, Tamás Vörös
- Structure: Dr. Miklós Armuth
- HVAC: András Nagy
- Electrical engineering: Csaba Zentai
- Landscape: Rita Remeczki, Edina Massány
- Archaeology: András Koppány
- Client: Eszterháza Kulturális, Kutató és Fesztiválközpont
- Main contractor: Laki Épületszobrász Zrt.