Visible Structure
Look-Out on Zengő
Architecture and text: Dániel Rabb
Photos: Lajos Kalmár
In the southern part of the Transdanubian region, in Baranya county, the highest peak of the Mecsek Hill named Zengő treasures almost unparalleled natural gems. The first look-out on this site was built by the Mecsek Association in 1895. This project was managed by László Trestvánszky senior forester. The geodesic monitoring tower standing here was made of concrete in 1978. The look-out on top of the tower was built in 1985, but was closed down in 2010 because of life-threatening conditions. The unique view opening up from the hilltop had been hidden for almost 10 years, and was only exposed by the new look-out constructed now. During the design stage, special care was taken to the natural environment, as the site of the projected lookout was part of the Eastern Mecsek Natural Reserve and the Natura 2000 network. The new structure reaches 4 metres above the foliage with its topmost level at a height of 21 metre. Its steel Corten system resists the extremes of the weather outstandingly well, and in a few years’ time its colour has changed from the original reddish-yellowish to patinated brown so it smoothly nestles into its surroundings.
General design, experts: Bartal és Rabb Kft.
Leading architect: Dániel Rabb
Fellow architect: Andrea Hankó
Structure: Balázs Szabó
Fellow structural engineer: Valentin Bálint
Framework: Péter Rabb, Miklós Molnár
Soil mechanics: Ferenc Kaszás Dr. – Trilobita Bt.
Lightning protection: Attila Rostás
Environment protection: Katalin Lovasi – Productus Bt.
Environment expert: Krisztina Böszörményi
Noise and vibration prevention: László Kővári
Air pollution prevention: Ildikó Reiszné Friedl
Environment engineer: Vera Kövécs-Varga
Technical controller: Gábor Botz – Presting Optimum Mérnöki Zrt.
Project management: Richárd Staub – Baranya Megyei Önkormányzat
Client: Baranya Megyei Önkormányzat és Pécsvárad Városa konzorciuma