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  • укладка тротуарной плитки
  • My Grandfather’s House

    Traditional house-building master-inside training

    Text: András Krizsán DLA
    Photos: Nagyapám háza

    It is accepted practice throughout Europe to ensure the preservation of protected vernacular buildings either in museum (skansen) settings or to encourage their use in situ in their own environment, in keeping with their original character and character, preferably with reference to their original function. But who will and, more importantly, who will be able to maintain, renovate and pass on the craftsmanship and traditional building techniques that were used to construct these beautiful old buildings? It was with these thoughts in mind that architect András Krizsán launched the Grandfather’s House traditional house-building master-apprentice training course in 2012, in order to find and strengthen the identity of those craftsmen living today who still know these old technologies, who can still pass on these methods and knowledge to interested young people. The Association of Hungarian Architects, in cooperation with the Village Development Society and with the support of the Folk Architecture Programme of the Teleki Foundation, has been supporting, organising and managing the traditional house-building programme of the Grandfather’s House from the very beginning. The aim of this niche programme is to give young people the opportunity not only to carry out building surveys and technical documentation during their summer internships, but also to learn about traditional craftsmanship and to get to know the values of folk architecture.