Magical Transcendence
The New Home to Bánáti + Hartvig Architects
Architects: Béla Bánáti, Lajos Hartvig
Text: Mária Tatai
Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky
A unique building was salvaged by Bánáti + Hartvig Architects, when transforming and remodelling a former restaurant building along Fehérvári road in Buda into its own headquarters. Built in the 1960s, this single-storey pie features a roof deck bordered with a frame structure of pillars and beams. An imposing staircase leads us to the deck: its floating steps are supported by a ferro-concrete centrally armed beam system that turns into a slanting pillar via an arched sweep. This sweeping design of the staircase ranks as an architectural art piece. The mass and proportions of the existing house as well as the characteristic external staircase have been preserved – of the details of the facades only the palette and textures have been replaced with contemporary ones. Instead of the former prominent articulations, surfaces are now more homogenuous and sophisticated, the new shading systems lend a decent dynamism to the exterior. From the busy Fehérvári road the entrance to the office has been moved to the peaceful side facing the park. Entering the building we face a surprising experience of space with light and airy transparencies and openings uniting the rooms. The spectacle is fairly varied, whilst impressing us with a feeling of safety. No expensive materials are seen here, yet the building appears an elegant one. The internal configuration is defined by a maximum degree of transparency which is one of the drives and basic principles of the company itself. The building is essentially an open-plan type, the designers’ office is also an undivided single room. The old building has undergone only a few changes, but it has been revived in a contemporary attire.
General architecture: Bánáti + Hartvig ÉpÃtész Iroda Kft.
Leading architects: Béla Bánáti, Lajos Hartvig
Project architect: Noémi Kiss
Architects: Vera Lőcsei, Bendegúz Sánta
Main contractor, 1st phase: Exedra Kivitelező, Tervező Kft.
Main contractor, 2nd phase: EB Hungary Invest Kft.
Structure: Reticolo Kft.
HVAC: Hano-Plan Kft.
Electrical engineering: Provill Kft.
Fire protection: Ventor Tűzvédelmi Kft.
Geodesy: Georéka Bt.
Interiors: MádiLáncos Studio ÉpÃtésziroda Kft.
Framework, insulation: FRT Raszter ÉpÃtésziroda Kft.
Acoustics: ’95 Apszis Bt.
Technical management: Bánáti + Hartvig ÉpÃtész Iroda Kft.
HVAC management: Hano-Plan Kft.
Electrical management: Kelevill Bt.