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Francsics László – Év Építészeti Fotója 2012 – MÉSZ I. díj
Szöveg: Krizsán András
Looking at László Francsics’s photos creates the feeling, when a movie stops, but we can move on as the main character of the story. It is possible to take a closer look, we all go around the houses and objects, peek behind the curtains to see into our forgotten memories, our past. Through photographs we are clearly able to learn, to experience distant memories. Weird feeling – but what makes it so natural? Maybe its ordinariness. The fact that we do not really see anything special, just everyday things. Poultry in a muddy yard, a curtained door, a rusty window frame, marginalized, abandoned things in the world of everyday life. And that is in the front of László Francsics’s camera, they are all forgotten things.