The Generation of Vagabonds
Organic Architecture Today
Text: László Kuli

Gábor U. Nagy: Táncpajta, Őriszentpéter
After the death of Imre Makovecz, it seemed necessary to survey and assess to what extent his oeuvre influenced contemporary Hungarian architecture, where his influence is traceable, and which individual buildings may be associated with the organic concept. Apropos of this, many architects are mentioned who may not have been followers of Makovecz, but still have had works so far that reflect the organic approach and careful design work so typical of the master. The description of this architectural method is inevitably important for the future, but we also have to recognize the importance of ideas passed on via personal teaching and by joining the chain of followers, which means that the discourse about the future of organic architecture is only complete if we include and raise public and professional awareness of the architectural works of his students.