A Change of Image
The Extension of the Castle Baths Complex, Gyula
Architects: Veronika B. Szabó, József Kocsis
Text: Attila Kőszeghy
Photos: László Francsics
As the winners of the tender published for the development project of the Castle Baths complex of Gyula in 2009, architects Veronika B. Szabó and József Kocsis formulated the process governing the evolution of the essentially random, spontaneous and chaotic group of buildings in the next decade by „combing” and orchestrating them, which they also presented spatially. Realized by 2014, the building of the baths complex with its split blocks showed directions for the potential change of its architectural image probably taking place in the next decade. There is now a chance for the old buildings to evolve into blocks the architectural appearance of which is related to that of the now realized new structure. Wedged from many sides, the new building offers excellent opportunities to connect and integrate it in further developments. The body of the baths complex is firmly articulated which in turn guarantees the transparent and friendly articulation of the interior. As an interesting result of the upward openings of the roof, the same interior configuration is made up of darker and lighter zones to choose from.
Deepened from the direction of the inner courtyard, the extension which is almost as wide as the height of the building is exposed as a spectacle excellently suited for a subject of photography.
General design: XYZ Építész Stúdió Kft.
Fellow architects: Csaba Horváth, Antal Kiss, Attila Kurucz, Zsófi Küttel, Szilvia Machó
Structure: Béla Márton, Péter Pásztori – Exon2000 Kft.
HVAC: István Dobay, Róbert Borovszky – Dobay és Társa Kft.
Electrical engineering: László Eitel, Miklós Berta – Elektroplan Kft.
Pool technology: Zoltán Sallai, Mátyás Szabó Erdélyi – S-Terv Kft.
Public utilities: József Múlt – Mult és Fiai Kft.
Garden design: Krisztina Wallner – Tilia Bt.
Lighting: Ferenc Radnóczi – 500lux Kft.
Accessibility: Ágota Ruttkay Miklián – ESP ’63-’67 Építésziroda Bt.
Interiors: Attila Budai
Main contractor: Swietelsky Magyarország Kft.+ Modinvest Kft.+ Békés Drén Kft. alkotta konzorcium