In Place of Miracles
Szent-Györgyi Albert Agora, Szeged
Architects: András Báger, Csaba Helmle
Text: Csaba Masznyik
Photo:Zsolt Frikker
The building designed here acts like a palace: the emphasis is on the representative agora embodying the primary message of the building. The structure with a T-plan has a wing parallel with Kálvária Boulevard cutting the inside of the block into two: the southern side turns into a formal courtyard – the elevations with loggias face this –, whilst the northern side comprises a parking lot and a vacant site at present reserved for future extensions. Cars are parked at the foot of the geometrically organized – and admittedly artificial – green hill. The climate tower – a contemporary campanile – functions as a funnel allowing for the airing of the yard. The two main views of the building differ in character as they are adjusted to those of the two yards and orientation: the southern elevation with loggias has a pleasant and reserved palette, the window designs and subdivisions are free from rigidity. The formal yard which can be perambulated during the day is graced by a pool, a fountain and a drinking fountain made after the designers’ plans. The main entrance for pedestrians on Kálvária Boulevard could only be built in-between two structures once on the same lot graced with sgraffito designs, adjusting to the present-day building sites and property nexus: this means that the development could only be built as inferior and subordinated to the existing agora-square. Wittingly positioned and made up of functionally well-executed, multi-layered, versatile and exciting spaces and spatial systems, the compact building has areal and economic indices that are not only convincing on the level of tendering, but could also be maintained throughout its construction.
Design: BAHCS Művek Kft.
Leading architects: Báger András, Helmle Csaba
Fellow architects: Antal Gabriella, Báger Nóra, Turai Balázs, Tóth Tamás
Structure: Ambrus Roland, Méri Tamás
Interior design: Frank György, Fábián Péter
Landscape: Szabó Gábor, Zámbó Nóra
Technical installations: Mangel Zoárd, Kerék Attila, Kovács Zsolt
Electrical engineering: Krén József, Németi Ferenc, Bogár Péterné
Outdoor public utilities, roads: Bombolya Erzsébet
Client: Szeged Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzata
Main contractor: KÉSZ ÉpÃtÅ‘ Zrt.