Pannon Observatory in Bakonybél
architect: Csaba Németh
text: Vilmos Katona
photos: Vilmos Katona , László Bárány, Tamás Ladányi
It is a northern path that takes us to the observatory that runs at the forest along masonry fences. The way here varies a lot but is made light by the formal-structural continuity of houses with tall gables or elsewhere topped with unfinished hip-roofs. The observatory nestles between an old stable and a granary sensitively bridging over their masses with a palette of white, grey and yellow. The ceremonious entrance opening into the foyer is introduced by a small sunken space flanked on two sides. The double function of the L-shaped spatial wall (scientific research and education) is easy to recognize. Whilst the longitudinal wing easily connects with the three-storey exhibitional space of the granary with a vertical communication the one perpendicular to it is squat and hiding. The former houses an exhibition of science history, whilst the latter is home to the planetarium and the observatory tower with a delicate technology suiting it also for solar research.
leading architect: Csaba Németh
client: Balaton-Felvidéki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság
general design: Timpanon Architects
fellow architects: Ferenc Peng, György Györkös
structure: Imre Szabó – Pannonterv
technical installations: Ervin Horváth – Épgép Kft.
electrical engineering: Ernő Füle– Produkt Kft.
roads: Tamásné Jankó– Pannonterv
fire protection: Krisztián Garabics
main contractor: SZL-Bau Kft.