Emblematic Renewal
Extension and Reconstruction of Rudas Baths
Architect: Péter Vékony
Text: Miklós Okrutay
Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky
Referring to Budapest as a city of baths is a call-word not only for visitors but also for natives, especially as it is also rich in outdoor beaches, lidos and sports swimming pools besides the traditional medicinal baths and spas.
Going to a bath is a custom forming an integral part of urban lifestyle here as it had always been generations before. It is the generous gift of a rich city which has been appreciated and used by people from time to time throughout history. It has evolved into a tradition by now which is well worth tapping today. Besides Széchenyi, Gellért and Palatinus baths complexes Rudas is undoubtedly one of the genuinely prestigious flagships, primarily because of its traditions even though not for its dimensions. Its reconstruction project started rather late compared to the other large complexes, which may have been unworthy, but it has turned out to be ever so spectacular: it is restored to its former glory after a period of decay the depth of which is illustrated by the pure fact that there has been a ruin pub introduced here. The first stage of the reconstruction project focussed on the northern part of the complex which is by all means its most valuable one as far as historic authenticity is concerned. Then, 2014 saw the last stage of the rebirth of Rudas complex with the reconstruction of the southern building parts planned and designed by Péter Vékony and his team of architects. In the spiritual sense, it partly follows the previous stages of the project, by retaining, emphasizing and harmoniously integrating the didactic approach. However, new moods and contemporary tastes have been added to spice it up proportionately. The southern building parts are now independent and yet integral additions contributing to the rich variety of the baths: besides the traditional world of a bath it offers its contemporary equivalent within the same institution.
Client: Budapest Gyógyfürdői és Hévizei Zrt.
Leading architect: Péter Vékony – Nirmana ÉpÃtésziroda
Fellow architect: Diána Chvalla – Nirmana ÉpÃtésziroda
Main contractor: Kalotherm Zrt.
Project managers: András Griecs, József Varga, Lajos Végh
Interior design: Kazimir Medveczky – Medveczky & Gothárd Kft.
Monument historical expert: Judit Muskovszkyné Janotti
HVAC: György Pavlics – PPR PLAN Kft.
Structure: István Kovács – Kovács & Kovács Stúdió
Electrical engineering: László Kósa ev., István Bakos
Pool technology: Sándor Hajdú – HYDROCHEM Kft.
Fire protection: Ferenc Végh
Sauna technology: Albatros Wellnesstechnika Kft.
Concrete elevation panels: IVANKA