Architectural Centre or Architectural Museum?
The 20th Anniversary of Architekturzentrum Wien
Text: Zsuzsa Beliczay

Fotó. Hertha Hurnaus
The Architekturzentrum Wien presents its history in a comprehensive publication. Through the 20 years of its existence the institution founded in 1993 has grown into one of the most important forums of architecture which is housed in one of the wings of the downtown MuseumQuartiers otherwise containing contemporary and modern arts. One would conclude that it has found the best place possible. However, this summary makes it obvious that the forum character and the framework of a possible national museum and its potential location is a subject of debates now. Whilst the AZW awaits visitors and those interested in architecture day by day with exhibitions, discussions, workshops and conferences. Its library, archives, online data base permit an insight into the achievements of 20th and 21st century Austrian architecture. The top-achievements are presented in a permanent exhibition. The history of AZW illustrates that dedicated politicians, obstinate institutional management, devoted employees and sponsors supporting the cause are indeed able to establish and successfully maintain an institution which well deserves to be referred to as an architectural museum.