A Site of Healing Faculties
Medical Centre – Kecskemét County Hospital
Architect: Miklós Marosi
Text: Eszter Götz
Photos: Balázs Danyi
The first building to house a hospital on the site which was created in 1980 along Nyíri Road was designed by Miklós Marosi, a young architect then. Since then an ambulance station, financial management, store house and garages, the new specialist surgery for the whole county, dialysis centre, oncoradiology decentre and a dermato-venerealogy centre have been built here in several major phases. In the new building of medicine Marosi continues the architectural scheme of the site he had thoroughly thought through at the beginning of his career. The two typologies known in the practice of European hospital building – the first one is a single building housing all the wards, the other being a more loose layout integrating pavilions – have been blended into a closed integral row of buildings connected via heated corridors. Opened this year, this block directly connects with the previous main building but also has an entrance of its own. Its T-shape floor-plan reaches into the park surrounding the hospital. Its four-storey mass is spacious, and welcomes visitors with an aula known from public buildings. The demands of out-patient care are met by the wider centrally positioned corridor on the ground floor. Behind the foyer, along the stem of the T-shape hospital rooms are strung along a central corridor.
Architect: Miklós Marosi – KÖZTI Zrt.
Fellow architects: István Sebő, István Ács, Ágnes Pernesz, Anisz Rabie
Interior design: Zsuzsanna Kerecsényi
Structure: Péter Váczi
HVAC: Tamás Lukács
Electrical engineering: Bertalan Tóth, András Ritz
Landscape: Gabriella Havassy
Outdoor public utilities: Béláné Szalkai
Medical technology: Gabriella Bondor – Mediproject Plusz Kft., Ilona Kanosik