Islands + Ghettos / Borders, Terrains, Cities
Neue Galerie, Stadtmuseum Graz, May 8th – October 4th
Text: György Szegő

Carey Young: Body Techniques (after Encirclement, Valie Export, 1976), 2007
With its international exhibitional project titled Islands + Ghettos, Heidelberger Kunstverein drew attention to geographical and social segregation taking place all over the world. Besides presenting examples to follow, it addresses the wasteful luxury infrastructures as well as the architectures grown on them with criticism: investors and architects are making a stir showing them off in the richest parts of the world. Organizators of the exhibition decided to present materials collected from artists, architects and urbanists concerning these tendencies and related issues. The collection illustrates how the ways representing the ultimate social utopia of the 20th century – the globalized world without frontiers – have been replaced by another kind of isolation drawing new private and economic borderlines.

Luis Molina-Pantin:Jaime Duque Park 2, (Cali-Bogota, Columbia), 2004-05

Luis Molina-Pntin:Jaime Duque Park 3, (Cali-Bogota, Columbia), 2004-05