Community and Communication
About Strategic Planning
Text: Béla Nagy

Észak-Csepel térségében tervezett ingatlanberuházások távlati képe (FPH FőépÃtészi Iroda)
A city is much more than the entirety of individuals’ habitats: it is an independent organization, living either in parts or as a whole, growing, developing, evolving, devolving, ceasing to exist or being reborn. It is to serve the community, the entire local society, its tasks being the realization of public interest and the service of general welfare.
The articulation of general interest is a serious and relatively complex task. Europe has a long-established tradition of communal participation. In order to understand occasional interventions, they are to be assessed as embedded into the whole and view it from its entirety. Its essence is communication in the interest of general welfare. This article emphasizes and illustrates the importance of architecture and communication by Hungarian examples.
Olympics in Budapest 2020

BFVT Kft. - FÅ‘mterv Zrt. - Mű-Hely Zrt.: A 2020-as olimpiai nagyprojekt master plan, 2010 (olimpiaia helyszÃnek, kiemelt útvonalak, parkolók összefüggésrendszere)
The idea of organizing the Olympic Games in Budapest tends to be recurring on the agenda regularly. Those in care of the cause regard the event as a possible means to solve complex issues. The Olympics of the Isles of the Danube may afford an opportunity to develop both Budapest and the country. The essence of this concept is the priority of development along the Danube, actually the design of the Danube as the Main Street of Budapest. The river and its banks completed with the riverside venues of the Olympics shall be integral parts of urban life, and after the short period of hosting the competitions and races they are to serve the population of the capital with their sports and recreational functions.