Moderate Approaches
National Heritage Park, Ópusztaszer
Architect: István Murka
Text: Anna Zöldi
Photos: Tibor Zsitva
The National Heritage Park in Ópusztaszer has been enriched with three sincere buildings of various characters reflecting the logic of their individual functions. István Murka, the architect in charge of the project ambitioned to re-configurate the former random spatial structure whilst integrating the necessary new functions. The structure housing the ticket office, the visitors’ centre and the maintenance and heritage workshop feature individual design resulting from the logical and consistent translation of the functions they convey. The paradigm of the reception building does not try to conceal its transitory function and thus the subordinated position it is in: its modern fitted structure is made from solid timber panels of glued layers and is topped with a flat roof. The visitors’ centre has been built along the route leading to the Rotunda and turns towards the heart of the park with its main facade, entering into intense communication with nature via its glazed exterior surfaces that reach down to the floor. The maintenance and heritage workshop is actually a row of rooms organised around the barnyard where it is justified to use references to vernacular architecture. The fourth building, the chapel of the Pallavicini family in Ányás was reconstructed with the aim of authentic restoration and relocated in an open-air museum. These four works of architecture have introduced order into the operations and activities of the site and completed the complex which has so far been randomly extended so as to enrich it with high-standard contemporary buildings.
Visitors’ Centre
Architecture: Dóm Építészműterem Kft.
Leading architect: István Murka
Architect: Anikó Nyéki
Fellow architects: Virág Melinda Agg, Balázs Keményffy, Tamás Zalai, Ádám Metzl
Fire protection: Dr. Zoltán Csizmadia
Statics: István Kenese, Zsolt Inokai, Péter Takács
Structure: Csaba Hadnagy
HVAC: Attila Braun
Electrical engineering: Péter Bodócs, Tamás Szalóki
Environmental rehabilitation: Gábor Szűcs, Erika Fülöp
Public utilities: Géza Hobl
Landscape: Dániel Kontra
Lighting: Ferenc Haász
Safety and health protection: Miklós Pintér
Client: ÓNTE Nonprofit Kft.
Ticket office
Architecture: Dóm Építészműterem Kft.
Leading architect: István Murka
Architect: Anikó Nyéki
Fellow architects: Virág Melinda Agg, Tamás Zalai
Statics: Zsolt Petrilla, Zsolt Inokai, Péter Takács
HVAC: Attila Braun
Electrical engineering: Péter Bodócs, Tamás Szalóki
Fire protection: Dr. Zoltán Csizmadia
Public utilities: Géza Hobl
Landscape: Dániel Kontra
Environmental rehabilitation: Erika Fülöp
Safety and health protection: Miklós Pintér
Client: ÓNTE Nonprofit Kft.
Maintenance and heritage workshop
Architecture: Dóm Építészműterem Kft.
Leading architect: István Murka
Architect: Anikó Nyéki
Fellow architects: Virág Melinda Agg, Balázs Keményffy, Tamás Zalai
Fire protection: Dr. Zoltán Csizmadia
Statics: István Kenese, Zsolt Inokai, Szilvia Kissné Vaskó, Péter Takács
HVAC: Attila Braun
Electrical engineering: Péter Bodócs, Tamás Szalóki
Environmental rehabilitation: Gábor Szűcs, Erika Fülöp
Landscape: Dániel Kontra
Public utilities: Géza Hobl
Safety and health protection: Miklós Pintér
Client: ÓNTE Nonprofit Kft.
Architecture: Dóm Építészműterem Kft.
Leading architect: István Murka
Architect: Anikó Nyéki
Fellow architects: Virág Melinda Agg, Balázs Keményffy, Marianna Koós, Tamás Zalai
Statics: Ferenc Durst, Péter Takács
Electrical engineering: Ferenc Fekete
Environmental rehabilitation: Erika Fülöp
Safety and health protection: Miklós Pintér
Art historian: Márta Branczik – Modern Építészetért Nkft.
Client: ÓNTE Nonprofit Kft.