Service instead of Self-expression
The Church of Divine Mercy in Győr -Kismegyer
Architects: Mihály Balázs, Katalin Somogyi-Soma
Text: Dominika Vámos
Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky
The church is an undivided space of a single powerful gesture which because of its proportions, light conditions, building materials and items of furnishing is both simple and elevated, functional and timeless, accidental and ambitioning to perfection. The minimalist means applied by the architect is only limited to spatial proportions and the accentuated presentation of the material qualities of building materials and structures. The sanctuary which rises above the floor level of the nave with a few stairs gains importance with the verticality of its background wall and
dense brick ribs directed towards the light coming fom the sky. Although the organization of the space conceptionally keeps to the system of proportions typical of classic longitudinal church spaces, also the tabernacle is found on the axis of symmetry of the sanctuary with a wooden crucifix above it. As his own signature as an architect, Mihály Balázs conjured a small-scale symmetry into the seemingly strict order: the low inclination of the backbone of the roof is at a hardly recognizable angle with the central axis of the space, thus subconsciously directing the attention of the believers towards the wall opening on the right-hand side which opens right upon the old chapel.
ÉpÃtész tervezÅ‘k / architects: Balázs Mihály, Somogyi-Soma Katalin
ÉpÃtész munkatársak / fellow architects: Tatár Balázs, Török Dávid
Szerkezet / structure: Volkai János, Ambrus Roland
Épületgépészet / technical installations: Bajor Ervin
Épületvillamosság / electrical engineering: Krén József
Kerttervezés / garden design: Hlatky Katalin
MegbÃzó / client: Pannonhalmi FÅ‘apátság