Order – House
Open-Air School on the Benedictine Order, Táp
Architect: Robert Gutowski
Text: András Krizsán
Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky

Fotó: Bujnovszky Tamás
Social and economic transformations taking place in the past few decades, and especially the losses affecting villages first of all entailed the loss of traditions. As a result of changing social and economic tendencies the traditional vernacular culture of the peasantry and thus the uprooting of self-sustaining rural communities after millennia, aging villages pushed to the periphery and abandoned have mushroomed.
Róbert Gutowski chose such an abandoned and vacant parsonage building when designing a new community house for groups of guests visiting the local Benedictine Secondary Grammar-School in Táp. Tradition and invention, the past and present reality of the village entered into a smart and sincere dialogue. The designer correctly observed and interpreted that revival is more important than the canonized heritage adjusting to strict laws now. With heart-felt faith and trust in the freedom of the soul he approached building standing unoccupied for a long time. The building as we have it now is the fruit of inspiring and artistic utilization.
Leading architect: Robert Gutowski – Gutowski Építész Kft.
Fellow architects: Barnabás Dely-Steindl, Hunor László Kovács
Structure: István Kerek, Tamás Pintér, Gábor Balázs, Ferenc Sziklai
HVAC: László Lakner
Electrical engineering: Dóra Pintérné Kolb
Fire protection: Ferenc Mikus
Kitchen technology: Árpád Rátonyi
Client: Dr. Asztrik Várszegi archabbot, Titusz Hardi director, Magyar Bencés Kongregáció Pannonhalmi Főapátság
Project maganer: Kristóf Pálffy-Józsa
Main contractor: Péter Csikár, Euro Generál Zrt.
Control: Sándor Beck, É.S.Beck Kft.