Layers from the Past, Made of Stone and Wine
Archdaily building of the year 2011/ industrial architecture
ÉpÃtészek / architects: Tamás Fialovszky, Zsolt Félix
Szöveg és fotó / text and photos: Bálint Botzheim
The elongated house is finely nested in the hillside. The laden stone wall appears as the continuation of medieval walls, whilst the thick stone lane of the cornice line acts an emphasized borderline sort of finishing the past, whereas the lanes of the stone slabs of the shell structure is a continuation of it. The roof is an accentuatedly presentday structure. Made up of stone sheets, the roofing required special static solutions: the profiled stone slabs from Mád are porous and thus
do not make a waterproof facework – this is why there is an overall greasy waterproof underlay shell on the coffin ceiling. The reception building is centered around the press space in which the relationship between the past and the present reappears: here the laden stone wall is counteracted by an exposed concrete communicating bridge and the
exposed concrete ceiling of the coffin ceiling.
ÉpÃtészet / design: ÉpÃtész Stúdió Kft.
Felelős tervezők / leading architects: Félix Zsolt DLA, Fialovszky Tamás
ÉpÃtész munkatársak / fellow architects: Szendrei Zsolt, Kiss Tamás – Omega Design Kft.
Statika / statics: Kovács István – Kovács és Kovács Mérnök és ÉpÃtésziroda Kft.
Gépészet / technical installations: Mangel Zoárd – Mangel Épületgépészeti Iroda
Elektromos tervezés / electrical engineering: Kelemen Ferenc – Kelevill Bt.
Környezetrendezés / environment: Gyüre Borbála – S73 Kft.
Épületszerkezetek / structures: Kapovits Géza, Dobszay Gergely – Flat-Line Bt.
Tűzvédelem / fire protection: dr. Gombik Károly, Gombik Boglárka – BO-Sec Bt.