Industry Nestling into a Landscape
Cement Works, Királyegyháza
architects: Zsolt Armbruszt, Marcell Duga, Balázs Jakobi, Béla Keresztes,
Ferenc Orosz, Balázs Pallós, Tamás Perl, Zsolt Sándor, Géza Szován
text and photos: Bálint Botzheim
The vicinity of the limestone and clay quarry in Bükkösd in the northern part of the Mecsek Hills was an important aspect when choosing the premises in Királyegyház. The various functions have been set in three longish rows on the rectangular site. On the northern side which is the farthest from the entrance towards the highway the storage of raw materials is done directly from the industrial railway and this is where the buildings of cement grinding are also located. The first chain of structures that can be rated as the main facade houses the main entrance, offices, the central store-room and service building, as well as the central control room. Starting from the service-store room the building blocks are elevated from the ground by a landscaped rampart, and this accentuated line is rounded off by a gabion wall on the other side of the main entrance. We actually see here an earthwork completed with an office, which generously conceals the sight of industrial insides: it is only the heat exchanger, the clinkers and the beautifully clean geometric masses of the cement silos that peek out from behind. All in all the earthwork-like structure has proven to be a fine decision also from the aspect of inserting it into the landscape.
concept: Florian Molzbichler – MHM Ziviltechniker Gmbh
leading architects: Zsolt Armbruszt, Marcell Duga, Balázs Jakobi, Béla Keresztes,
Ferenc Orosz, Balázs Pallós, Tamás Perl, Zsolt Sándor, Géza Szován
general design: M Mérnöki Iroda Kft.
project manager: Tamás Perl
environment, infrastructure: Pál Csonka – Total Kft.
fellow architects: Béla Keresztes, János Fritz– ÉpÃtész Kör Kft., Zoltán Horváth, Zoltán Török, Zsuzsanna Varga– M Mérnöki Iroda Kft.
geotechnocology: Geoplan Kft.
client: Nostra Cement Kft.
main contractor: Strabag-MML Kft.