A Barn Reinterpreted
The Biomass Heating Plant of the Benedictine Archabbey, Pannonhalma
Architects: Tamás Czigány, Róbert Papp, András Nagy
Text: László Szekér
Photos: András Nagy
The utilization of renewable energy resources is an integral part of sustainable energy supply in the future. The biomass heating plant completed in 2009 as part of the investment by the Benedictine Archabbey of Pannonhalma was designed in compliance with the local conditions and environmental potentials. Covering an area of 500 m2, the environment-conscious heating plant is practical and viable economy-wise and has a nominal heating capacity of 700 kW. The biomass heating plant comprises a hall structure with simple design familiar from vernacular architecture as the contemporary equivalent of a barn or shed: it is a functional farmbuilding with large interior height organized on the base of a simple pillar-beam principle: this is where chopped wood derived from sylviculture is to be dried, stored and utilized. The establishment is open to visitors who can view the plant in operation from a show gallery. In the boiler room films are projected onto the wall to present the technology applied here.
Architects: Czigány Tamás, Papp Róbert, Nagy András – CZITA Építész Iroda Kft.
Installation, electrical engineering: Dr. Tóth Péter, Kovács István, Fertőszegi Ernő, Hornung Pál, Juhász Sándor, Nagy Roland – KondiCAD Mérnökiroda Kft.
Structure: Börzsei Tamás szerkezettervező – BS-Tekton Mérnökiroda Kft.
Roads, public utilities: Kovács Tamás, Tóth Gyula – Viadukt Kft.
Contractor: TERÁN Kft.
Technology: Integrál Clima Kft.
Client: Magyar Bencés Kongregáció Pannonhalmi Főapátság