Market Hall – As a Communal Space
Reconstruction of the Hall in Klauzál Square, Budapest
Architect: Zoltán Kun
Text: Sándor Csontó
Photos: József Hajdú
Built precisely 120 years ago, the market hall standing in Klauzál Square features architectural values and an exterior which is by no means high-quality by today’s standards. As such, it ranks as one of the most prestigious industrial monuments. In charge of the the reconstruction launched in 2014, architect and designer Zoltán Kun has proven on more than one occasions how skilled and experienced he is in the protection of historic buildings, which is also proven by his ICOMOS prize. During the rehabilitation stage the facade of the residential building and the cortile belonging to it were also reconstructed. The stalls in the cortile disappeared and the whole area has been covered with a glass roof. The steel brackets of the new support system peep out at two points above the structure and thus facilitate the appropriate airing. A transparent and understandable, clean and clear view awaits the visitor The riveted cast iron columns system is beautifully manifested here much in the same way as the timber roofing which has been restored to its full glory. The newly built gallery has dimensions adjusted to the lateral axes of the roof – a solution making us even more aware of the original scale of the hall. Access is facilitated by traditional staircases, an escalator and lifts as well. Besides retaining the classic market functions, the ground floor also houses a supermarket on 1,000 square metres to provide full services. The new pavilions are modern structures: sophisticated cubes with wainscot and transparent roofs. Besides the preservation of historic monuments the main value of the reconstruction project is that it has actually managed to revive the atmosphere of the original market hall.
General design: Kunyhó ÉpÃtésziroda Kft.
Leading architect: Zoltán Kun
Fellow architects: Éva Hamar, Ildikó Balázs, Gábor Paizs,
Judit Görgényi, Gabriella Bohus
Structure: András Komlódi, Dezső Breuer – Acéling Kft.
HVAC: Attila Bicskei – Genimex Kft.
Electrical engineering: Judit Balázs – Artvill Kft.
Acoustics: János Pintér – Delta Expert Kft.
Frames: Gábor Juhász – Vitruvius Kft.
Fire protection: György Decsi – Fireeng Kft.
Main contractor: Laki Épületszobrász Zrt.
Investor: ERVA ZRT.