Announcement of Eight Countries of the Carpathian Basin

Kunsthalle, Budapest, 6-8 September 2014 Text: András Borsos Photos: János Szentiváni In co-operation with the Hungarian Academy of Arts and Kunsthalle, the Budapest-based art gallery, the Association of Hungarian Architects organizes a series of international events between September 6th and 8th. Official participants of this programme were: on behalf of MÉSZ László György Sáros DLA […]

Architectural Time Travel

UIA World Congresses 1978–1996 Text: Judit Osskó Unique in its kind as a worldwide organisation of architects, UIA (Union internationale des Architectes) was founded in 1948 in Lausanne. Not many people know that its founder was Pierre Vago, a Hungarian-born architect. He was only twenty years old when he started to work as editor-in-chief for […]

Fundamentals – The Foundations of what?

14th International Architecture Biennale, Venice Text: György Szegő Photos: Velencei Biennále, Andrea Fábián, György Szegő Curator Rem Koolhaas associated architecture with the century of modernity lasting from 1914 to 2014 overburdened with devastating invasions and terrible sufferings. According to him, the „losers” of this era – that is civilisation as such – managed to survive […]

Dilemmas of the View

The „Mushroom” and Beyond Architects: Levente Szabó, Zsolt Gyüre Text: Krisztina Somogyi Photos: Tamás Szentirmai The structure referred to as the Gomba („Mushroom”) has been a protected monument since 1997. Its conditions preceding the facelift project illustrates that the building hardly survived until the turn of the millennium. Several architects and city planners gave up […]

Walkable Textures

The Facelifting of the Promenade in Veszprém Architect: Zsolt György Kovács, Jana Beránková, Dávid Kovács, Márton Becker, Péter Lukács Text: Vilmos Katona Photos: Dávid Kovács The rehabilitation project of public areas in the inner city of Veszprém is inseparable from the transformation trends starting in the 1970s. Designers had to face a heritage of modernism: […]

Living in an Amphitheatre

Felvinci Mansion Park, Budapest Architect: Csaba Virág Text: Eszter Götz Photos: Tibor Zsitva Rózsadomb (“Rose Hill”), which had once been a vineyard, was developed in the 1920s and 30s as the wealthy middle-class families had their mansions built here. Besides these villas, prism-form condos featuring 6-9 apartments with terraces dominate the slopes of the hill […]

Unnoticed Imprints

A Detached House in Budafok Architect: Szabolcs Szentmáry Text: Bálint Botzheim Photos: Tamás Szentirmai, Szabolcs Szentmáry Having a dialogue with the past is a difficult task in a context like the garden suburb of Budafok where intense traditions of viticulture are not manifested architecturally in any form. However, the „genius loci” is sensibly present, and […]

A Site of Healing Faculties

Medical Centre – Kecskemét County Hospital Architect: Miklós Marosi Text: Eszter Götz Photos: Balázs Danyi The first building to house a hospital on the site which was created in 1980 along Nyíri Road was designed by Miklós Marosi, a young architect then. Since then an ambulance station, financial management, store house and garages, the new […]

Between White Walls

Oncoradiology Centre, Debrecen Architect: Péter Kovács Text: András Bán Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky Both the city and university of Debrecen appreciate local talents, thus it was not the first commission that Péter Kovács received in the campus project. When designing the Oncoradiology Centre he had to consider the former character of the campus of the Medical […]