The aim of the competition is the creative presentation of new Ferencvaros football stadium in Budapest. Information:
Visegrádi épÃtésztábor
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Diorama of the Kiosk Village
Kassák Museum, Budapest, 5 July – 31 August 2014 Opening: 4 July 2014, 6 p.m Opening speech by Miklós Erhardt The artist based on the destiny of the avatgarde utopias asks for the contradictions between the visions for the future and their realizations. As part of the exhibition he builds up the life-size reconstruction of […]
Competition for the new Sports Centre in Győr
The primary task of the new Sports Centre is to place for the international level Olympic event (EYOF), and thereafter to meet the household needs in addition to serve other international sport events and training camps. Sports included int the new Sports Centre: – tennis – athletics – gymnastics – judo – swimming Deadline: 22 […]
Aid for Building Conservation 2014
With the Aid for Building Conservation the Budapest General Assembly would like to faciliate the realization of the maintenance, renovation and restoration works on the buildings and their immediate surroundings in Budapest. The aim of the support is strongly the renovation and restoration of the original parts. Information:
Golden Balcony Contest
The Faculty of Landscape Architecture of the Corvinus University of Budapest and the Béla Rerrich Landscape Architecture College invites residents of Budapest to gardening at home. In Budapest most of the balconies are unused, bare facades and cornices. With this application our aim is to give advices and ideas they make gardening easier. Deadline: 10 […]
ROCKWOOL – Homlokzatok kompromisszumok nélkül!
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Mutasd meg a római kort!
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47. Savaria Urbanisztikai Nyári Egyetem és Tervező Tábor
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A Smart City Lab Budapest dÃjazottjai
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I. Városkommunikációs Mesterkurzus
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Csonka Pál-érem átadási ünnepség
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