József Mindszenty Museum and Pilgrimage Centre, Zalaegerszeg Architects: Mihály Kádár, Csaba Balogh Text: Zoltán Dragon Photos: Krisztina Ancza, Levente Sirokai One of Hungary’s newest buildings for exhibitions, the Mindszentyneum building in Zalaegerszeg was inaugurated on October 23rd last year. Built with the help of the Modern Cities Programme, Mindszentyneum is a testimony to the museum […]
Hitbéli és szocio-funkciók találkozása
Meeting of Faith and Socio-Functions in Time Z33, Hasselt, Belgium Architect: Francesca Torzo Text: György SzegÅ‘ Photos: Z33 The 2022 finalist of the biennial Mies van der Rohe Award competition is a new kind of museum established for contemporary art, urban history and social issues in the city of Hasselt, which has grown along its […]
László Nagy Memorial House Extension Plan, Iszkáz
Text: Csaba Kovács, Gábor Nagy Plans: MOME ÉpÃtészeti Intézet Mentors: Csaba Kovács, Gergely Barcza The memorial house of the poet László Nagy in Iszkáz was brought to the attention of the MOME Institute of Architecture by Gábor Nagy, architectural historian and expert on historical monuments. Students of the 3rd grade of the BA in 2022 […]
120 Years of the Hungarian Architecture Magazine
This year we celebrate the 120th anniversary of the first publication of Magyar ÉpÃtÅ‘művészet, the Hungarian architectural journal. This is the jubilee edition of Utóirat (Post Scriptum), which is the supplementary publication of the periodical. We have compiled a retrospective selection of articles from the issues of 22 years of the supplement to celebrate the […]
Biomimicry Underground
Restaurant and Apartment, Japan Text: Bálint Botzheim Photos: Junya Ishigami + Associates Architecture and construction are mostly thought of as an additive mapping process. We superimpose building materials in order to build spaces. But the resulting space is a negative one, because we can experience space from the inside. However, the history of architecture gives […]
Rácz Zoltán: MINTHA – Az épÃtészet tudatalattija I–II.
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Gottdank Tibor: Vidor Emil, a műépÃtész
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A változás az, ami állandó
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A fény múzeuma
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Molnár Péter-dÃj átadása 2022
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28+84 Houses
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Eternal Yorick – Life Book Antal Csaba
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