State of the World 2013 Text: Edit Pálinkás Every day, we are presented with a range of “sustainable” products and activities – from “green” cleaning suppl ies to carbon offsets—but with so much labeled as “sustainable,” the term has become essential ly sustainababble, at best indicating a practice or product sl ightly less damaging than […]
Phases of Careful Reflection Phases in the 21st century
The Destiny of a Housing Estate 1. La Villeneuve, Grenoble Text: Melinda Benkő One of the prioritized topics of urban rehabilitation of the European Union is the housing estate. In Western Europe about 8-10% of the housing stock, whilst in Central and Eastern Europe some 15-60% of flats are contained in housing estates built between […]
Cities Revis(it)ed
The Rediscovery of the City Text: Kissfazekas Kornélia This writing is about a university programme. An experiment applying a wider variety of tools for getting to know the cities. It was meant to co-ordinate the approaches of groups (local population, users of the cities, tourists) and the methods of various sciences; architecture, urban architecture, environment […]
Hungarian Socialist Realism Going on its Own Way
An Invisible Story Text: Ádám Sylvester Between the two world wars, Hungarian architecture managed to keep pace with international trends. It was a powerful presence in the world, in the background of CIAM also CIRPAC was founded to orchestrate talented designers cooperated supported by an excellent construction industry, and during the war genuine architectural gems […]
Instead of the Soviet Style Dictatory
R Building, Campus, University of Technology Text: Erzsébet Urbán After extensive damage caused by World War II, the main goal was to restore the basic infrastructure and residential buildings, besides clearing and removing debris. In close association with the socialist ideology, a kind of reconstruction was targeted instead of restoration. The years to come saw […]
The University of Technology and Economics
The Historical Campus, Budapest, 2013 Text: Ibolya Csengel-Plank Sponsored primarily by the Pro Progressio Foundation, this bilingual publication was published by the Budapest University of Technology during the first weeks of 2014. It is a genuinely stop-gap title, as it is the very first comprehensive and representative survey of the higher educational institute specialised in […]
Borvendég Béla (1931-2014)
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Sinkó Katalin (1941-2013)
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Láng Benedek: Mágia a középkorban
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Martos Gábor: Műkereskedelem – egy cápa ára
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Fiatal építészek Székelyföldön
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