Contemporary Challenges of the Church Architecture
Sapientia College, Budapest
26 February 2014, 4 pm
Lecturer: Vilmos Katona architect
Contemporary Challenges of the Church Architecture
Sapientia College, Budapest
26 February 2014, 4 pm
Lecturer: Vilmos Katona architect
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Department for History of Architecture and of Monuments
1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp3. K épület 210.
6-7 February 2014
Dezső Ekler Exhibition
FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture, 27 February – 23 March 2014
Opening: 27 February 2014, 6 pm
Opening speech by János Golda DLA
FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture, 18 February – 9 March 2014
Exhibitors: Tamás Czigány, Pál Csillag, György Darabos, György Dénes, Dániel Dömölky, László Francsics, Lea Fiterman, Zsolt Frikker, József Hajdú, Bálint Hudecz, Norbert Juhász, Richárd Kiefer, István Szőnyi, Ákos Tasi, Márk Péter Vargha, Tibor Zsitva
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Joint Exhibition of the Department of Public Building Design, Department of Residential Buildings, Department of Industrial and Agricultural Building Design, Department of Urban Planning and Design
FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture, 12-24 February 2014
From the 21st of July until the 18th of August 17 lecturers and 50 students from Germany, Hungary and Romania have participated at an archaeological field school at the eastern border of Roman Dacia and its vicinity bearing the title: The Roman Limes as European Cultural Landscape – Erasmus IP(RLCL). The project focuses on practice…
In an Era of Historical Traumas – Culture and Art Patronage 1920-1944
MűvészetMalom, Szentendre, 23 January – 21 April 2014
Opening: 23 January 2014, 11 am
Greetings: Dr. Márton Kálnoki-Gyöngyössy, Director of the Ferenczy Museum, president of MVMSZ
Exhibition of Csaba Szegedi
FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture, 23 Januray – 9 February 2014
Opening: 23 Januray 2014, 6 pm
Opening speech by László L. Simon government commissioner
Brainstorming Competition for the utilization of the block bordered by Margit Krt – Kis Rókus St. – Fény St. – Mammut Shopping Center in Budapest. The Millenáris Széllkapu Nonprofit Kft. waiting for ideas serving the purpose of the relaxation and recreation.
Deadline: 24 February 2014
The Piet Zwart Institute is an international postgraduate programme dedicated to study and research in the fields of art and design. Named after the pioneering Dutch designer, Piet Zwart (1885-1977), who worked experimentally across media and contexts, the Institute offers a rich combination of in-depth specialisation and interdisciplinary…
Designing a Louisville Children’s Museum, Revitalizing a Downtown Edge, is an international ideas competition sponsored by the local chapters of the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) and the American Institute of Architects (AIA). Lousiville is one of the few cities of its size without a museum dedicated specifically to children between…
ECTP-CEU, with the support of the Committee of Regions is proud to organise the 10th European Urban and Regional Planning Awards. This edition of the Awards is also supported by the SPECIAL project and Intelligent Energy Europe in collaboration with the TCPA (Town and Country Planning Association). The ECTP-CEU’s European Urban…