Budapest Tour Mobil Textile

Exhibition of András Jelky Secondary School Applied Arts and Szent István University
FUGA, Budapest
26 June 2013, 5 p.m.
Opening speech by Sándor Finta, cheaf architect of Budapest

Alternative Design Strategies

Lecture by Tomek Rygalik
Design Terminal, Budapest, 28 June 2013, 10 p.m.
Studio Rygalik Studio Rygalik was established in 2006 by Tomek Rygalik. For the first two years it functioned between London and Lodz, Tomek’s hometown. Since 2009 the Studio is based in Warsaw.

MÉK and MÉSZ Diplom Award

Diplom Award competition of the Chamber of Hungarian Architects and the Association of Hungarian Architects

Registration deadline: 2-5 September 2013
Results: 7 October 2013

I’ll back soon

Brainstorming Competition – Exhibition
Kossuth Lajos St. 14-16., 27 May – 30 June 2013
Categories: graphic design for the homepage and logo of the online database of the empty shops; creative installation for empty shopping windows

MÉSZ General Meeting 2013

General Meeting of the Association of Hungarian Architects (MÉSZ)
6 May 2013

György Vedres Prize 2013
Tamás László

The Future of the Past

The Architectural Department of the Hungarian Academy organized a conference on the mid-term development of Budapest. Lecturers took it in turns to present the issues concerning the future of the city, aspects of development and approaches, the problems related to the maintenance of the infrastructure and building stock…

Pragmatic Regionalism

The Waldorf school has been based in this village in the Pilis Hills for almost ten years. At the beginning it had some 30-40 students, but their number has increased to 200 by now. As the institution needed more and more space, building a school was a must also because of the intensive motor traffic making life here more and more stressful.

Contemporary Music Palace from Melody Fragments

The inner part of Ferencváros has been enriched with a significant new cultural venue. With this project music life in Budapest has simultaneously been presented with a contemporary representative institution which had been needed for decades now. The continuous spiritual presence, the state-of-art spaces of high-tech acoustics…

The Classic Elegance of Everyday

Born in Copenhagen as a child of a Norwegian father and a Danish mother just 200 years ago, Theophil Hansen is rated as a significant architect of the 19th century. He travelled a all over Europe with stopover in Athens, Berlin, Innsbruck, Verona and Venice. However, his most influential period was that spent in Ringstrasse, Vienna.

History and Poetry

The exhibition not only dedicate itself to aspects of Schinkel’s oeuvre regarding the history of architecture and building aesthetics; rather, the entire Schinkel art universe is investigated with special attention given to the transformation achievements of the early historism period. Prior to the exhibition, the Federal Ministry of Education…

Chapels for the „Other Hungary”

Ágnes Kovács has designed three chapels in the past eight years in the North-East of Hungary: St Jacob’s in Sajóhídvég; St Elizabeth’s Chapel and Gipsy Missionary Centre in Kesznyéten; the Virgin Mary’s Chapel (also known as Barracks Chapel or Memorial Chapel of Recsk) in Mátramindszent. The common feature of these chapels…

Chair-Twister – New Researches Concerning Space

The free Gesamtkunstwerk company named képzetTtársítás („association”) is a kind of experimental team: it has been organized around the resonances of experiencing space and intuition. The first stage of the birth of the production is that the team’s leader makes a tour of the chosen space: his steps and breaths slow down…