My Grandfather’s House

It is a method accepted all over Europe to guarentee conditions for the preservation of protected vernacular buildings either in the context of (open-air) museums or in their own environment in line with their original functionality and character and to encourage using them possibly „in situ”. But who is going to and – more importantly – who is able to maintain…

Király Street 15 – Student contest

Student contest for the renovation of the inner facade of the Király Street 15 building (lot number: 34184), a former ghetto fence. As the property of Budapest 7th District it was renovated by the KÖH (National Office for Cultural Heritage) and authenticated by the ÓVÁS! Society. Organizers: KultUnio and Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre

Ybl 2014 – conference call

According to the 200th anniversary of the birth of the Hungarian architect Miklós Ybl, the Hungarian Academy of Science, the Budapest City Archives, the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, in cooperation with the Gyula Forster National Heritage Services Center – Architectural Museum and Hild-Ybl Foundation organize scientific conference.

HYP CUP 2013

International Student Competition in Architectural Design
Topic: Architecture in Transformations
Sub -Topic: The Disappearance of Architecture
Registration Start Time:February 20,2013
Deadline for Registration: June 30, 2013

Dialog. Modern/contemporary/monochrome

Kepes Institute, Eger
Opening: 9th March 2013
Opening speech by Ágnes Konkoly, art historian
Curators: László Erdész, Ágnes Konkoly
Location: Kepes Institiute, Eger

Eszter Módosi Szmuk (1938-2012)

Eszter Módosi Szmuk (1938-2012)
HAP Gallery, Budapest, 05. 03. – 29. 03. 2013
Eszter Módosi Szmuk was born in 1938. In 1962 she graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Since 1973 she lived and worked in Germany.

György Vedres Award

György Vedres Award honours Hungarian architects under 40 with significant school or hospital buildings completed before 31. 12. 2011. The award is named after György Vedres, Ybl Award winner architect. György Vedres Award Committee in the Associtaion of Hungarian Architects: Zoltán Tima, Bence Vadász, Miklós Marosi, László Földes

WerkStadt Vienna

In 2006, inspired by their city’s rich heritage of local manufacturers and craftspeople, Tulga Beyerle, Thomas Geisler, and Lilli Hollein, founders of VIENNA DESIGN WEEK, began a special project, called Passionswege, which matched young designers with traditional workshops, manufacturers, and retailers in Vienna.

Of Parameters

Measurable truths, definitive outcome
Tenderpixel Gallery, London, 22 February to 23 March 2013
In the latter part of the nineteenth century, Georg Cantor revolutionised mathematics with the concept of a set. Not only a collection of objects, a set includes the rules we apply to them.

Award for Public Space Renewal 2013

The Hungarian Society for Urban Planning (MUT), and the ICOMOS National Committee Association announces the Award for Public Space Renewal 2013 tender.
Proposals will be judged in two categories:
City center and living environment of public spaces