Urban Strategies Summerschool 2013

The Urban Strategies Postgraduate Program at the University of Applied Arts Vienna offers annual summerschool-programs as intense design training. The four-weeks teaching format serves as an opportunity for students and young professionals of architecture and planning as well as design and arts related disciplines to exploit most recent computational tools…

Redesign in Japan

Rethinking architecture in the disaster zone in Japan
FUGA, Budapest 27th February 2013 6 p.m.
Opening lectures by: Yamamoto Tadamichi, ambassador of Japan, Budapest
Iwanaga Emi, director of The Japan Foundation Budapest
György Pálffy, architect

Visions In Practice

Wonderland – platform for european architecture is inviting young architects to apply for a unique Blind Date! In cooperation with the Chamber of Architects of Milan, wonderland is organizing a series of Blind Dates in spring / summer 2013. In each event, one Italian team will come together with two other European teams to present and discuss different points of view…

East Centric Architecture Triennale

Arhitext design Foundation, editor of Arhitext magazine, launches an open call for the selection of the projects to be presented at the Trans(ap)parencies Thematic Exhibition, at the 2013 East Centric Architecture Triennale. The open call responds to the constant need to identify the most recent examples of quality architecture. Targeting both emerging offices and well-established practitioners…

Young Architects International Award

The Chamber of Architects of Turkey, in collaboration with its regional Antalya Branch, has launched the fifth edition of the international award for young architects. This award recognises the winning projects in an international ideas competition focusing on temporary sheltering spaces. The need for temporary shelters for victims of natural and man-made disasters…

Project Space 2013 – Rethinking Urbanity

This year Project Space will have 2 sites that want to explore in different ways and different scales how urbanity can be rethought. You can develop a proposal for the transformation of the Coffin Factory of Atzgersdorf into a neighbourhood for young lively people with housing, culture centre and school or generate models and concepts for urban vacancies in Budapest.

ATRIUM Photo and Video Contest

ATRIUM – Architecture of Totalitarian Regimes of the XX Century in Urban
Management – Photo and Video Contest
The European project ATRIUM – Architecture of Totalitarian Regimes of the XX Century in Urban Management – focuses on the architectural heritage of the different totalitarian regimes of the twentieth century in Europe…

PIXEL Bricks

Exhibition of the Nyócker Bricks and the Patyolat Bricks Photo Contest
Patyolat // Próbaüzem
1st March 2013, 7 p.m.
Invited artists: Krisztián Bódis and Dániel Dömölky

Pomegranate on a winged altar

Miklós Szentkirályi: Pomegranate on a winged altar. Workshop secrets of an art restorer.
Kairosz Kiadó, 2012, 244 page

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International Congress of Architects 2013

Organized by the Association of Hungarian Architects
9th March 2013, Budapest, BME Q1 Building
Lectures by Ronny Hardliz (Switzerland), Vilmos Katona, Attila Turi, Gábor U. Nagy, Pavol Panak (Pozsony), Eike Roswag (Berlin), Peter Rich (Dél-Afrika), Glenn Murcutt (Ausztrália)

In Memoriam István Janáky

Commemorative writings by
Antal Lázár, György Janáky, András Göde, Zsófia Csomay, János Dobai

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