Architect Károly Dávid jr. (1903-1973)

Károly Dávid jr. exhibition, HAP Gallery, Budapest, 11. 09. – 12. 10. 2013
Zoltán Fehérvári – Endre Prakfalvi – Pál Ritoók

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Confessions about Architecture

György Szrogh exhibition, HAP Gallery, until 15th February 2013
Confessions of György Szrogh

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Just Architecture

Just Architecture – Unfinished Summary
Ronny Hardliz

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Integration of an Inclusion Area

Integration to the Phase Developement of an Inclusion Area
Interview with Éva Sz. Fehér, chief architect of Szeged

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The Hungarian Pavilion at the 13th Venice International Architecture Biennale
Opening speech by: Gábor Gulyás
15th February 2013, 6 p.m.

5th Budapest Architectural Film Days

The Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre presents: 5th Budapest Architectural Film Days
Toldi cinema, Budapest, 28th February – 3rd March 2013
This year, the festival proposes the richest and most diverse program of its half-decade existence to those interested in architecture, design and cities.

Changes in Budapest – seeds

Sustainable urban structure
Árpád Szabó PhD (Department of Urban Studies)
Julianna Szabó PhD (Department of Urban Studies)
Béla Nagy PhD (Műhely ZRt.)
FUGA, Budapest 14th February 2013, 6 p.m.

In the Shadow of the Pyramids

The Austrian Excavations at Giza (1912-1929)
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, 22th January – 20th May 2013
In January 1912 an Austrian excavation team began to uncover the first mastaba tombs near the Pyramids of Giza. The campaigns brought to light numerous artworks and objects documenting the cultural history of…