Space – Unity – Community

Examining Spatial Relations in Longitudinal Catholic Churches between the World Wars Text: Tamás Kiss The struggle between conservative and modernist architectural trends in the first half of the 20th century was mainly manifested in the stylistic appearance, i.e. the continuity of the “neo” (Revivalist) styles at the turn of the century. However, the preferred architectural […]

The Meeting of Heaven and Earth in Modern Church Architecture

Photo Exhibition by Péter Gyukics, FUGA, 14.09- 01.10. Text: István Schneller Photos: Péter Gyukics The primary task of architecture in general — as the Finnish architect Juhani Pallasmaa, among others, phrased it — is to create an experience of place and space, of „placelikeness” in a homogeneous world without place or meaning, in a world […]

Our European Heritage

The 13th-century rotunda of Süvete in Gömör Text: Mária Prokopp Photos: Andrea Németh Süvete (Šivetice, SLO), the 12th-14th-century seat of the Zách clan, is a prominent hilltop site in the picturesque Gömör region, along the river Murány. The fortified manor house must have stood near the magnificent 12th-13th-century rotunda, which still stands today, covered with […]

Following the Archangel

The European Saint Michael’s Line Text: László Kripkó The St Michael’s Line is a pictorial skyline that connects seven St Michael’s churches along a straight line of about 4200 km from Ireland to the Holy Land, following the line of the summer solstice sunset. According to tradition, the line marks the cut where the earth, […]

Excavations at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem

Text: Eszter Götz After three decades of negotiations, the archaeological excavation under the floor of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem could finally begin in 2022. The work, including the full restoration of the temple, is expected to take 20 years. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre was built around 330 BC, after […]

The Pitfalls of National Styles 1

Heritage management serving identity politics in Hungary at the end of the nineteenth century Text: Viktor Rozmann, Deodáth Zuh The study aims to discuss the manifold relations of late 19th-century cultural heritage management and the quest for reinforcing national identities. This issue is exemplified by the case study of Imre Henszlmann’s works that expanded on […]

Small but Strong

The next generation of prefabricated housing Text: Bálint Botzheim Prefabricated housing has been around for a long time and is not usually thought of in positive terms. But there are good examples, and prefabrication has also been a solution to housing problems after disasters. In the 20th century, housing was finally mass-produced in factories. The […]